
Perry's Bio
Nickname: -
Birthday:May 17 1999
Husband: Teal
Date got married: December 12th 1999

Perry's Life

One Summer's Day I was just chirping and playing cheerfully with all my friends at King Ed Pets Store, when a lovely family walked in and was staring at us for about and hour talking and trying to decide on something, but then I realized that they were going to buy some of us and bring us home.
One of the Storekeepers came into the cage and grabbed a green Bird Teal.
Then he caught me and put me in a little traveling box. I was very scared.
About 15 minutes later the box opened and I flew out, I was put in the cage with another bird. I had seen him a couple of times at the pet store, he was very handsome.  Him and I quickly made friends. Those people kept staring at us almost all day. Then later that night they took us out of the cage and were trying to teach us to step up on to their fingers. Teal was quicker to learn how to step up.

 1 week later I am getting better at staying near them. They seem to be very nice people.

I got married yesterday I am very happy.

Perry's Favourite Things

A day in the life of Perry
7:00 The sheet which covers her cage comes off, she talks to her husband and enjoys breakfast.
8:15 Spencer leaves for school.
8:15-3:15 She probably eats, talks among her friends, and poops.
3:30-until she gets tired. Her cage door opens, she comes out with her friends and plays around flies and hangs out with Spencer for a while.
9:30 The sheet covers her cage and and the lights go out.